The Quickest and Most Effective Way To Reach The Golf of Your Potential In 7 Easy Steps
Discover my Tour proven mental game system for taking any level of golfer to new scoring levels. Start today on a structured path to your full potential.
- Learn how to play better under pressure
- Learn how to build confidence in your game
- Learn how to build a plan for success
Table of Contents

Start your Mental Game Training Today
In this program, you'll get:
- A 108 page pdf training manual
- One hour of Essential Mental Game Audio Mp3s
- 3 Hours of Self-hypnosis Mp3s
- My top 50 Mental Game Practice Drills
Meet the Author

David MacKenzie
David has coached the mental side of golf for over 15 years. He’s had huge success helping all levels of player from beginner to Tour pro “get out of their own way” and reach their potential in competition.
He has studied all the key components of what it takes for a golfer to achieve success. His unique approach and insight into sports psychology, neuro-science, athletic training and human biology – have allowed him to develop a proven system for creating peak performance results over and over again.
He is originally from the. UK and attended the University of St Andrews in Scotland where he achieved an MA Economics.
What are fellow golfers are saying about the system?
"David’s Golf State of Mind Training System makes game improvement simple and effective. It’s amazing how a change in perspective towards what’s really important can make such a huge difference. All golfers, whether beginner or a Tour Pro like myself would benefit from his system." - Adam Gee, European PGA Tour
“On Tour you have to do everything possible to squeeze extra shots out of all areas of your game. David’s teaching materials are definitely in-line with the way a Tour pro approaches a round mentally and the great thing about this way to improve is that it requires no swing changes!” - James Heath, European PGA Tour
“In David MacKenzie, you have a coach who really understands and applies that simple but profound truth.”- Karl Morris, Performance Coach To Six Major Winners
“David MacKenzie is truly an expert in coaching the performance skills of the mental side of golf. For what is complicated for most to communicate, David does in a simple, clear, and effective way. His ideas help golfers shoot lower scores and enjoy the game more.” - Rick Sessinghaus, Editor, Golf Tips Magazine
Over $100 of Special Bonuses!
- Practice like a Tour player with my random and competitive skills practice drills!
- Put yourself under pressure and simulate the golf course with my 50+ practice drills for the driving range, short game and putting practice.
- Learn how to control your arousal and access your best stills under pressure.
- Fully downloadable, so you can take with you to your practice session.

- About Golf State of Mind
- What is The Mental Game?
- What are the most common Mental Game Mistakes?
- How To Practice The Golf State of Mind
- The Shot Routine
- Short Game and Putting
- Pre-round Warm-up
- Course Strategy
- Post Round Analysis
- Golf: The Mirror For Life

Renegade Golf Hypnosis and Pre-round Performance Audios
Over 3 hours of Golf Hypnosis and Pre-round audios, by Bill Gladwell and Stephen Ladd. Perfect to get you subconsciously in the right frame of mind for a great round.

More Testimonials
“David’s teaching cuts through all the noise in golf coaching and gets to the heart of what’s really needed to consistently improve.” - Benn Barham, European PGA Tour
"The tournament I played after reading David's Training Program I hit 50 out of 54 greens and it had everything to do with his powerful concepts."- Lars Melander, former Canadian PGA Assistant's Champion
“David’s coaching highlights the difference that makes a difference. When you practice these fundamentals you not only remove self imposed interference, but it returns you to your natural brilliance. Simple and deceptively brilliant.” - Peter Taylor, Golf Mind Coach, English Golf Union
"David Mackenzie has a subtle yet genius approach toward the mental game. I got the chance to work with him and his knowledge of the mental game really helped to change my thought process on the golf course. After working with him, I felt more confident and I look forward to working with him in the future!" - Aubrey McCormick, Big Break Atlantis 2012 Competitor
"David's Golf State of Mind Training System has given me specific things to work on to improve my mental game and I've seen huge improvement in my ability to play under pressure."- Nic Drezins, Rob Noel Golf Academy
"Golf State of Mind really made me start to think about the game in a different way. I now make my practice sessions more about visualization and feel and it has helped me in pressure situations."- Martin Woodbridge, British National Assistants Finalist, Head Teaching Professional at Bearwood Lakes
"David has helped me quieten my mind in pressure situations and given me a solid mental process to manage my thoughts and emotions for the entire round. It's given me a whole new level of confidence in my game and it show's in my results."- David Krajny, CEO RE/MAX Czech Republic | Slovakia, 4th in Czech Republic Mid-Amateur
"David has helped me build a stronger mental process and a quality practice regimen, which has made me feel like I'm consistently working towards my goals. With my new "process" goals, I feel less pressure to score and I can feel my confidence growing with each round."- Kennedy Bodfield, 6th in 2015 Junior Canada Nationals, 2011 Ontario Junior Champion
"Using a focused approach to visualisation and a bullet proof pre-shot routine my golf has been transformed this year with the GSOM tools. It's a complete turnaround - I used to completely buckle under pressure. Now it's the opposite. In those pressured situations I've played out of my boots and I've relished the challenge. The fear has gone out of the game. I'm just loving playing again"- Sandy Catford, Owner, Gokart Powered Golf
"David MacKenzie has created an amazing tool for anyone ready to tackle the mental game of golf. His "Golf State of Mind" system is very organized and yet exquisitely simple. David takes you through each aspect of the game, from long to short, talking you through the stumbling blocks and helping you clear them out of your way. I love it. His insights help my golf game, and my everyday life." ~ Danielle Tucker, The Golf Club Radio Show.
Golf State Of Mind heavily concentrates on helping the player stay in the moment, and helps the player overcome the ghosts of shots past and shots future. To date, I’ve read the eBook three times all the way from beginning to end. I have much work to do on my mental game, and much more time to spend working on refining it. Golf State Of Mind will be in my iPod, in my computer and in my car to help me get my game on the right mental path."- Tony Korologos, The Golf Space & Hooked On Golf Blog
"MacKenzie's Golf State of Mind will certainly help you learn the finer points of controlling your mental state and should help your scores. It's another tool we can use to master those five and a half inches between our ears."- Jeff Skinner,