In this Ebook and Audio Series You Will Discover...

  • The 7 Mental Habits of Champion Golfers

    Tour players all share 7 mental habits that save as many as 7 shots on the average player. Find out what these are and lower your scores immediately…

  • The 3 secrets of building Mental Toughness

    I’m going to show you how to build unshakable mental toughness so you feel nothing but confidence ahead of every round…

  • Mental keys to trigger success

    In this program you’re going to learn how to anchor your winning mind-set and recreate it on-demand…

Module 1 - "The Golf Industry is Lying to You"

For the most part anyway. Is every golf season passing without any real improvement? Do you know a better game is in you but you just can't seem to show it on the course? The golf industry tells us that all we need to do is take more swing lessons and buy new equipment. But has that worked for you in the past? The average handicap has not reduced in 30 years. In this module I'll prove to you why you need to completely need to rethink your game improvement techniques.

Module 2 - "The Secret"

This is where the training gets fun. One of the most exciting things that occurred during that year was gaining the ability to shape the ball (left to right and right to left), and improve my trajectory and distance control. This knocked off about 6-7 shots per round at least. The beauty was the I didn't have to change my swing at all. It was all achieved by making use of my senses, visualization and feel. In this module you'll learn these powerful techniques.

Module 3 - A "Killer" Shot Routine

Getting into the one starts in your shot routine. What you do in the 40 seconds prior to your shot will make or break your golf it. I'm not only talking about getting set up correctly (which obviously you need to do), I'm talking about putting your attention in the right place and accessing your ideal performance state. This module is going to show you how to do it. You'll also learn how to forget bad shots instantly so they don't affect your next one.

Module 4 - "Relaxed, Focused and Confident Golf"

This module contains the secret to managing your thoughts and emotions on the golf course. I used to get so nervous on the first tee and over crucial shots before I realized it was so easy to calm myself down. If you need help playing under pressure, then you have to cover this module.

All Tour players have these mind tricks that they use to calm themselves and stay confident even when there's intense pressure. This blue-print comes from understanding the thoughts patterns of hundreds of elite players (including Tour pros) and making use of techniques. That's what you'll learn in this module. Powerful techniques to improve your confidence, stay relaxed and be more focused over the ball than ever.

Module 5 - "Pre-round Success Triggers"

In the same way that the pre-shot and where your focus is before a shot has a huge effect on where the ball goes, you attitude and how you think before a round will do that same. If you're thinking about going out there and beating your best score you're not doing yourself any favors. In this module I'll show you how the elite player thinks before a round and how their goals create great performances.

Module 6 - "Simple post-round assessment"

How do you assess your performance after a round? Do you know that there's lots of valuable information between the lines that can help you improve massively if you simply ask the right questions. In this module you'll learn what these questions are and how they an shape your practice time, eliminate mistakes and capitalize on your strengths.

Module 7 - "How good can you become?"

Where do you want to go in this game? Is it breaking 80, winning the club championship or winning a major? I'm going to show you the right and wrong goals to have and how you can utilize the power of short and long-term goal setting.

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        Check Out What Other People Are Saying About The Training Program

        Rick Sessinghaus

        “David MacKenzie is truly an expert in coaching the performance skills of the mental side of golf. For what is complicated for most to communicate, David does in a simple, clear, and effective way. His ideas help golfers shoot lower scores and enjoy the game more.”

        Rick Sessinghaus Editor, Golf Tips Magazine
        Ewan Porter

        “David is certainly what you would call “a mental game guru”. Not only does he have deep insight into how to maximize performance using the power of the mind, but he communicates it in a way that’s easy to understand and easy to apply. Golfers of all levels can learn how to build confidence and get out of their own way with David’s coaching.”

        Ewan Porter 2-time winner
        Karl Morris

        In David MacKenzie, you have a coach who really understands and applies that simple but profound truth.

        Karl Morris Mind Coach to Six Major Winners
        Adam Gee

        “David’s Golf State of Mind Training System makes game improvement simple and effective. It’s amazing how a change in perspective towards what’s really important can make such a huge difference. All golfers, whether beginner or a Tour Pro like myself would benefit from his system.”

        Adam Gee European Tour Player
        James Heath

        “On Tour you have to do everything possible to squeeze extra shots out of all areas of your game. David’s teaching materials are definitely in-line with the way a Tour pro approaches a round mentally and the great thing about this way to improve is that it requires no swing changes!”

        James Heath European Tour Player
        Benn Barham

        “David’s teaching cuts through all the noise in golf coaching and gets to the heart of what’s really needed to consistently improve.”

        Benn Barham, Former European Tour Player
        Eben Dennis

        “David captures the real essence of how to play golf with a clear mind while helping you focus on a repeatable process, instead of the technical details. David can help any golfer find his natural self. By doing this, he makes the game simpler and more fun for all. Way to go David.”

        Eben Dennis, PGA Tour coach
        Danielle Tucker

        “David MacKenzie has created an amazing tool for anyone ready to tackle the mental game of golf. His “Golf State of Mind” system is very organized and yet exquisitely simple. David takes you through each aspect of the game, from long to short, talking you through the stumbling blocks and helping you clear them out of your way. I love it. His insights help my golf game, and my everyday life.”

        Danielle Tucker, Golf Club Radio Show

        Audio Lessons

        10 Essential Mental Game Lessons (60 mins)

        These Essential Mental Game Lessons have been designed as a tool to most effectively optimize your mind and ensure that you get closer to your potential EVERY time you practice and play. Remember, one hour of practicing properly is better than 20 hours practicing poorly.

        Listen to it on the way to the golf course or practice range and I GUARANTEE  you will start to play fearlessly, remove negative interferences and become transformed into a better and happier golfer. Through learning how to synchronize your body and mind with visual and feel based exercises and learning a consistent approach to each shot, good golf will become a simple subconscious process. This teaching will show you how to get on a structured path to perfecting the mental game and you will see results immediately. Don’t continue to practice in the wrong way any longer!

        In these audios you will:

        • Learn the mental mistakes we make and how to eliminate them
        • Learn how to REALLY take your range game to the course
        • Learn how to play relaxed golf under pressure
        • Learn a new way to practice that increases your powers of positive visualization and feel
        • Learn how to increase your confidence for long-term success
        • Learn how to stay in the present, putting all your energy into the shot at hand
        • Learn mental techniques to heighten your senses for the short game
        • Cure the yips and develop a smooth, confident stroke
        • Learn how to quickly forget your mistakes and remain positive
        • Learn how to relax and enjoy the game in between shots, but enter a highly focused positive state during shots
        • Learn an on-course strategy to rule out "the big numbers"
        • Learn the mental game from the world's best players

        Renegade Golf Audios by Stephen Ladd and Bill Gladwell (120 mins)

        Mental Game Practice Drills eBook

        The Golf State of Mind Practice Drills eBook – Over 50 Tour-proven practice drills to keep practice fun, and challenging. Put yourself under intense pressure while you practice and make it difficult - it will make the course seem like a breeze!

        If for any reason in the first sixty days you decide my Mental Training System is not for you, or you change your mind, or for no reason at all...You can return the product for a full 100% money back guarantee - no questions asked. All you need to do is send us an email letting us know - and you’ll receive a fast and full refund. We’ll still remain friends, and you’ll still have the opportunity to enjoy all our other programs and content - both free and paid. This is our promise to you.

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