“Flow is when we act freely, for the sake of the action itself rather than ulterior motives, that we learn to become more than we were.” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Let’s take a look at 5 ways you can trigger the Flow State and take your performance to a higher level.

1. Be Immersed in Your Process (Clear Goals)

All of my students measure the success of each shot (and their rounds) by the quality of their process, not the outcome. We determine what the individual player needs to focus on before, during and after every shot to have them feeling confident, engaged and athletic. Process goals tell us where we need to place our attention and with practice, we make them a habit. There’s less thinking required as you already know what you are going to do, and focus on. This will get you more immersed in the “activity” as opposed to the outcome (“ulterior motives”) or consequence of the shot. Trust in a good process will keep the conscious mind quiet over the ball and allow the swing to be more subconscious (“we act freely”), resulting in a better execution.

2. Be Present

One of those things that players describe when playing golf in the zone is being very “present”. This means they’re not preoccupied with what just happened or what might happen next, the mind is quiet and in THE NOW. You’re not thinking, you’re just being. Learning how to be more present or more “mindful” is a skill, that you can get better at it with practice. You can practice it off the course too, during any activity, by being more mindful of where your attention is. If you notice yourself getting distracted by thoughts, just bring yourself back to the activity and the sensations of it. Overtime, you’ll notice that your focus will improve and you’ll be able to go longer without being distracted. 

3. Embrace Pressure

Ask any elite player whether they would rather be slightly nervous or completely relaxed before and during a round and they will probably tell you “slightly nervous”, the reason being is that they are more likely to access Flow and play better. When we are playing with high stakes with an uncertain outcome, it activates the nervous system. Research by Steven Kotler of Flow Research Collective suggests that a person needs to reach a certain level of stress (or “arousal”) to trigger Flow.

You will know this as pre-round nerves or first tee jitters which you probably think of as being a sign that you won’t play well. But in fact it can be a performance enhancer, provided you can keep your mind in the present. Along with that increased heart rate and feeling of butterflies, comes increased focus and higher sensory awareness that can elevate your performance – we become more mentally and physically alert.

Remember this next time you feel nervous before a tournament. Choose to embrace being out of your comfort zone as it can actually raise your game by inducing Flow.



4. Challenge Yourself

Steven Kotler also tells us that the sweet spot for activating Flow is for the challenge to be slightly higher (he says 4%) than your current skill level. In other words, the challenge is just hard enough to get your attention and get you fully engaged in the task. Have you ever wondered how you can play great shots out of trouble, whereas you can miss an easy approach shot into a big green? This is an example of how challenge can induce focus and flow. On the more difficult shots you are more challenged and focused. The key to inducing flow is to create that challenge and higher level of engagement and focus before every shot. 

5. Lose the ego! (The “Self” must disappear)

Self-consciousness interferes with the Flow State. When players describe playing golf in the zone, there’s no worrying about how they look to others, they’re immersed in what they are doing. In Flow, there is no sense of “self”. 

Ego golf means you are too wrapped up with the outcome and how your play makes you look, instead of being immersed in the activity (the process). That desire for good outcomes and avoidance of bad outcome creates too much pressure on every shot – there’s too much thinking and worry for there to be Flow. 

When I notice this in a new student, I immediately begin working with them on their awareness of this type of thinking and help them become a mastery golfer, and they dissolve their ego. 

Thanks for reading. Practice these 5 steps and I’m confident you’ll experience golf in the zone more often.

If you’d like to learn more about Flow Triggers and how you can access your best game more often, check out the Golf State of Mind Training System below. 

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Photo courtesy of Tour Pro Golf Clubs