5 out of 5 stars!


Over my 15 years coaching golf at the highest level I’ve experienced just how big a difference the ability to putt well can make.

Scores are made on the putting green.

It’s where it really counts. You might be able to hit long drives, but if you can’t convert on the green, it’s all in vain.

On the professional Tours it’s usually the player that’s putted the best during the tournament that picks up the winner’s check.

Putting is the game of golf’s great leveler.

It’s more about your mental approach, than it is about your technique and physical ability.

This work is the product of thousands of hours of research and time spent with elite players. during which, I’ve been able to filter out those techniques that make them great putters. If you follow this process. there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t join them as a master of the greens.

The benefits of becoming a great putter are easy to see. With putting accounting for between 30-40% of your score in an average round. it’s an easy place to knock strokes off your handicap and put pressure on your competitors.

This guide will show you how to adopt the Tour player’s mental approach to putting and take your game to a new level.



What you’ll get

Explore what’s inside


Meet your coach

More about David





– 100% control over: Your process
– Putting process that 99% of Tour Players use
– Green reading and exactly the steps you need to take to feel as confident as possible over the ball


– identify your unique tendencies and mistakes you make under pressure and use the solutions I provide to neutralize them
– better handle pressure situations and make more clutch putts!


– time to get your visualization and feel warmed up and increase your confidence
– feel 100% prepared and confident before heading to the first tee


– The goal of the physical side of putting is to set up as consistently as possible
– Better handle pressure situations and make more clutch putts!


– 100% control over: Your process
– Putting process that 99% of Tour Players use
– Green reading and exactly the steps you need to take to feel as confident as possible over the ball


– How your mental approach to every putt can determine
– Well you can access a fluid stroke


– Your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to putting
– how to assess your performances, keep track and set goals and practice plans

Over 30 Audio Lessons



david mackenzie

David MacKenzie is an expert on the mental game of golf and resides in Washington D.C. He currently coaches players of all levels including tour players and elite college golfers.


“David MacKenzie is truly an expert in coaching the performance skills of the mental side of golf. For what is complicated for most to communicate, David does in a simple, clear, and effective way. His ideas help golfers shoot lower scores and enjoy the game more.”

Rick Sessinghaus

“Working with David MacKenzie helped me reach a whole new level in my game. He has a fantastic insight into the mind of an elite golfer and I use his techniques during every round to keep me confident and focused. Thanks David!”

Maya Walton

“David has helped me reach a new level in my golf game. He has equipped me with a toolbox full of techniques to help me succeed in high pressure situations. One of the things we have focused on is building a process that works for me and that I can rely on. Since I started working with David I have learned how to build confidence, which is a key to competing at the highest level.”

Maia Schechter

“Working with David MacKenzie helped me reach a whole new level in my game and the techniques we worked on were key to my winning this year’s Russian Junior Championship. He has a great insight into the mind of an elite golfer and I use his techniques during every round to keep me confident and focused. Thanks David!”

Anastasia Bakal

“David is amazing!! After just one short session, I knew my golf game would improve. David gave me techniques that really helped free up my putting. I’m much more relaxed and confident on the greens. He also taught me ways to stay in the present moment. This is a constant struggle and David’s unique post-round review worksheet really keeps me on track. Thanks David!! Your work is priceless!!”

Nicole Jeray

David has been a huge help to making me break-thru mental barriers that prevented me from playing golf to my full potential. The work David and I have done together has made me confident in my abilities and trust that I have what it takes to play great. David’s mental techniques to unlocking my golf game have helped me push through junior golf and move onto the collegiate level.

Evan Crook, 2nd in North Carolina State Championships

“David’s teaching cuts through all the noise in golf coaching and gets to the heart of what’s really needed to consistently improve.”

Benn Barham

David has helped me quieten my mind in pressure situations and given me a solid mental process to manage my thoughts and emotions for the entire round. It’s given me a whole new level of confidence in my game and it show’s in my results.

David Krajny, CEO RE/MAX Czech Republic | Slovakia, 4th in Czech Republic Mid-Amateur

“David has helped me remove those mental blocks that we’re preventing me from taking my game to a new level. David’s sessions have made me feel more confident and helped me trust my swing. His system makes the mental side of the game easy to comprehend and easy to take action to use it to your full advantage. Thanks David!”

Andrew Weathers, UT Chattanooga Golf Team, TN State Championship Runner-up 2012

As a student, coach and instructor in the game of golf I have dedicated endless hours in research of the best approach to conquering the mental side of golf. David MacKenzie has developed the ultimate mental game training system for golf. David has put together a program that not only explains “what to do” but clearly defines “how to do it”. Providing an effective and easy to implement system is where many mental game coaches fall short and David’s program is absolutely spot on!

Steve Patterson, 2016 Colorado PGA Teacher of The Year

Of all the mental training packages available, Golf State of Mind is at the highest level. The content is superbly written based on good science, and knowledge David has gained from the many high-level players with whom he works. More importantly, the drills and exercises for their application are clear. Dial-in! This stuff really works.

Dr, Glen Albaugh, Author of Winning The Battle Within.

“Since working with David for the past couple of years, I’ve seen a huge increase in my confidence, focus and my ability to handle the pressure of big tournaments. David’s process has without a doubt made me a mentally tougher golfer.”

Nick Hance, Winner NTPGA Cowboys Classic and Bridlewood Junior

Yesterday I purchased the download of GSOM and listened to the complete package already 2 times. It fits perfect in my effort of improving my golf game on both fundamentals. Thanks!

Guenther Petrovitz, Vienna, Austria

Dear David, since I received The Golf State of Mind, of my last 10 rounds 83 was my highest. Half were in the seventies with 76 the lowest. Thanks Allen

Allen Peltier, Abbeville, LA

This is probably the best golf lesson I’ve taken. I feel that every time I practice and play, I’m getting better.

Felix Von Knorring, IEC Sports, Geneva, Switzerland

What has struck me about the Golf State of Mind teaching is how simple it has made the game for me. I’ve started to think less about my technique and more about what I want the ball to do. My visualization of good shots is improving and I feel I am growing in confidence which is being reflected in my scores.

Simon Brandon, 18 Handicap, London, UK

Thanks, David, for your indispensable guide to the mental game. Before your help, apprehension was my dominant emotion when addressing the ball. If I’m truthful with myself, I never knew where it was going to go. Your eBook has given me the ability not only to visualize each shot as I want to play it, but also to hit it there.

Jonny Goodman, 22 Handicap, London, UK

Through reading the Golf State of Mind eBook, I’ve noticed a huge difference in my short game. The visualization and feel exercises have made me more creative around the greens and I am seeing the results in my scores. My driving range and practice sessions generally make me feel like I’m progressing. Thanks David!

James Hardy, 14 Handicap, Sydney, Australia

For me the mental game is the most over-looked aspect of golf teaching. This ebook is a great insight into why golfers under-perform and the disciplined shot routine reminds us of what a visual and feel based game this really is.

Christopher Ellis, Pyrford Golf Club, Surrey, UK

Golfers are always searching for an extra edge. A swing thougt or key word or code. Golfers buy into the Marketing Man’s Dream of extra yardage, spin, feel, fade or draw. We buy putter and drivers, change balls and wear lucky charms. But how many ever realize the secret is there for the taking – the key to good golf lies not in the elusive search for clubs, balls and charms, but in one fundamental used by every Professional Golfer. Without exception. The Pre -shot routine. Listen to the words. Burn them on your hard drive. Leave the Marketing Man’s Dream to others. This is the secret which leads to the promised land. Better golf, solid strikes and lower scores. It just takes practice and application and those words become your fifteenth club in the bag.

Sara Woodward, The Golf Police

Thought I would let you know that I played a quick 9 this morning on my home course and shot a 4 under par “32” with 4 birdies and no bogies. The part about feeling the shot, visualization and just enjoying the round helped me “go to the next level”. Just the tone of the voice in it sets you up for a relaxed focused round. Last year at this time I was shooting in the low 80’s and upper 70’s most of the time. Although I have been playing for many years, this year has by far been my best with 2 sub par 70’s just in the last month. I will be 57 next month and feel like my best golf is yet to come.

Dave Davison, Lawrence, KS, USA

At last. An approach to golf teaching that is simple, non-technical and emphasizes what is most important to improve – The Mental Game. Golf State of Mind is a well structured way to learn the optimal mind set for golf.

Richard Hanna, PGA Professional, European Tour caddy

The simplicity of the techniques used means golfers of any level will benefit from the Golf State of Mind. Whether you are a club player or touring professional, I would recommend these audio sessions to greatly improve your mental approach to the game.

Karen Quinn, LPGA Professional, Ladies European Tour caddy

Played today with a consistent routine for the first time in my entire life (thanks to you). I just won my Club’s 40th Marathon–a one-day, 72-hole slog through the pouring rain this year–and I attribute my success to the mental discipline your eBook has helped me to develop (77!!!!). Thanks!

James Long Hale, Author of Golf Sonnets

MacKenzie’s Golf State of Mind will certainly help you learn the finer points of controlling your mental state and should help your scores. It’s another tool we can use to master those five and a half inches between our ears.

Jeff Skinner,

Golf State Of Mind heavily concentrates on helping the player stay in the moment, and helps the player overcome the ghosts of shots past and shots future. To date, I’ve read the eBook three times all the way from beginning to end. I have much work to do on my mental game, and much more time to spend working on refining it. Golf State Of Mind will be in my iPod, in my computer and in my car to help me get my game on the right mental path.

Tony Korologos, The Golf Space & Hooked On Golf Blog

Using a focused approach to visualisation and a bullet proof pre-shot routine my golf has been transformed this year with the GSOM tools. It’s a complete turnaround – I used to completely buckle under pressure. Now it’s the opposite. In those pressured situations I’ve played out of my boots and I’ve relished the challenge. The fear has gone out of the game. I’m just loving playing again

Sandy Catford, ‎Owner, Gokart Powered Golf

David has helped me build a stronger mental process and a quality practice regimen, which has made me feel like I’m consistently working towards my goals. With my new “process” goals, I feel less pressure to score and I can feel my confidence growing with each round.

Kennedy Bodfield, ‎6th in 2015 Canada Nationals, 2011 Ontario Junior Champion

I want to thank you for helping make this a “break through” year for me. I am having fun again playing golf, and look forward to reaching new goals. The “process” that you helped me incorporate into my game gave me real purpose over every shot.

Your coaching style is fresh and insightful, but more importantly you empower the player on their personal journey to better.

Richard Casselman, Member of Oakmont CC

Over the past 6 weeks I have had a number of good finishes and played some very consistent golf. This is largely down to the work I did with David MacKenzie at “Golf State of Mind” over the winter. I am extremely relaxed and at one with myself on the course and able to get rid of any disappointment that may of lingered in previous years after a bad shot.

Martin Woodbridge, British National Assistants Finalist, Head Teaching Professional at Bearwood Lakes

David’s Golf State of Mind Training System has given me specific things to work on to improve my mental game and I’ve seen huge improvement in my ability to play under pressure.

Nic Drezins, Rob Noel Golf Academy

David Mackenzie has a subtle yet genius approach toward the mental game. I got the chance to work with him and his knowledge of the mental game really helped to change my thought process on the golf course. After working with him, I felt more confident and I look forward to working with him in the future!

Aubrey McCormick, Big Break Atlantis 2012 Competitor

David’s coaching highlights the difference that makes a difference. When you practice these fundamentals you not only remove self imposed interference, but it returns you to your natural brilliance. Simple and deceptively brilliant.

Peter Taylor, Golf Mind Coach, English Golf Union

The tournament I played after reading David’s Training Program I hit 50 out of 54 greens and it had everything to do with his powerful concepts.

Lars Melander, former Canadian PGA Assistant’s Champion

“In David MacKenzie, you have a coach who really understands and applies that simple but profound truth.”

Karl Morris, Mind Coach to Six Major Winners

“On Tour you have to do everything possible to squeeze extra shots out of all areas of your game. David’s coaching has taught me how to quieten my mind in pressure situations so I can think more clearly and access my best swings.”

James Heath, European PGA Tour

“David’s coaching makes playing good golf simple and effective. It’s amazing how a change in perspective towards what’s really important can make such a huge difference. All golfers, whether beginner or a Tour Pro like myself would benefit from his system.”

Adam Gee, European PGA Tour

“David MacKenzie has created an amazing tool for anyone ready to tackle the mental game of golf. His “Golf State of Mind” system is very organized and yet exquisitely simple. David takes you through each aspect of the game, from long to short, talking you through the stumbling blocks and helping you clear them out of your way. I love it. His insights help my golf game, and my everyday life.”

Danielle Tucker, The Golf Club Radio Show

“David is certainly what you would call “a mental game guru”. Not only does he have deep insight into how to maximize performance using the power of the mind, but he communicates it in a way that’s easy to understand and easy to apply. Golfers of all levels can learn how to build confidence and get out of their own way with David’s coaching.”

Ewan Porter, 2-time winner

Become a great putter with 7 easy steps

The Golf State Of Mind
Putting System

(eBook & Audio sessions)