Over my 15 years coaching golf at the highest level, I’ve experienced just how big a difference the ability to putt well can make.
Scores are made on the putting green.
It’s where it really counts. You might be able to hit long drives, but if you can’t convert on the green, it’s all in vain.
On the professional Tours, it’s usually the player that’s putted the best during the tournament that picks up the winner’s check.
Putting is the game of golf’s great leveler – it’s more about your mental approach, than it is about your technique and physical ability.
This work is the product of thousands of hours of research and time spent with elite players, during which, I’ve been able to filter out those techniques that make them great putters, and if you follow this process, there’s absolutely no reason, why you can’t join them as a master of the greens.
The benefits of becoming a great putter are easy to see. With putting accounting for between 30-40% of your score in an average round, it’s an easy place to knock strokes off your handicap and put pressure on your competitors.
This guide will show you how to adopt the Tour player’s mental approach to putting and take your game to a new level.
Check out a sample…
Module 1: Process vs Outcome (the 7 step putting routine)
Your chances of executing good putts is increased when you put your focus is only on what you have 100% control over: Your process. Here’s the putting process that 99% of Tour Players use. This includes: Green reading and exactly the steps you need to take to feel as confident as possible over the ball.
Module 2: How To Putt Better Under Pressure
By the end of this module I’d like you to identify your unique tendencies and mistakes you make under pressure and use the solutions I provide to neutralize them. This way you’ll better handle pressure situations and make more clutch putts!
Module 3: The Best Putting Warm Up
Before a round is the time to get your visualization and feel warmed up and increase your confidence ONLY. It’s not the time to be working on anything technical.
Do this warm up routine consistently, and you feel 100% prepared and confident before heading to the first tee.
Module 4: The Putting Fundamentals
The goal of the physical side of putting is to set up as consistently as possible, so that you maximize your chances of striking the ball in the center of the putter and get it started on the right line.
Module 5: A Fluid Putting Stroke
How your mental approach to every putt can determine how well you access a fluid stroke.
Module 6: Measuring Your Progress
Do you know your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to putting? Do you know what your stats are from different ranges? If not, I’ll take you through how to assess your performances, keep track and set goals and practice plans.
Module 7: The GSOM Putting Practice Drills
Maximize every minute you spend practicing your putting, with my top practice putting drills. You’ll get a complete combination of Competitive (pressure simulation), Random and Block practice drills.
All these modules have been designed from working with players of all levels from beginner through to Tour pro and if you take the modules in sequence it will lower putts per round and take your game to the next level.
Putting Practice Drills
These practice drills are divided into pressure and non-pressure drills. Non-pressure drills are when you are focusing on your technique, so where the ball goes is not that important. Nick Faldo said if he could restart his career he would have never used a target while working on his putting mechanics. When you’re thinking about your stroke while putting to a hole you are essentially “practicing missing”. During the pressure drills, you want to create as much pressure as possible, so it feels like you are in a tournament.
What are students saying about the putting system?
“Putting is without a doubt the most mental part of the game. Without the optimal mental approach to each putt you can’t putt to your natural ability. The GSOM Putting system teaches you exactly how to develop this approach and contains practice drills used on the Tour.”
– Adam Gee, European PGA Tour player and former World Amateur No.1
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