Hi, David MacKenzie here.

Due to many inquiries about making GSOM teaching more “personalized”, I’m starting a program that will get YOU exactly the teaching you’ll need instead of just my regular teaching posts, which may or may not be applicable.

For $19.95 per month, you will receive:

A Mental Game Profile:

I’ll be asking you to fill out a questionnaire which will give me your mental game profile and mental game handicap. This way, I’ll be able to prescribe the best mental coaching for you as an individual.

A one-on-one session:

To kick things off, you’ll get a 30 min session with me, David MacKenzie to identify your mental game strengths and weaknesses.

The Golf State of Mind Training Program

The Golf State of Mind (7 module) Training System with audio has sold over 5,000 copies and continues to be one of the top-selling mental game books on the market. With 70 pages of Mental Game Tips and Practice drills, it’s the perfect way to learn everything that’s important in your endeavor to become the best golfer you can be.

A monthly practice plan:

I’ll send you a practice plan for the month, every month.

Weekly emails

One email question to me per week about how you performed during your rounds that week and I’ll get back you promptly with ways to improve.