Unlock the power of your mind in 7 simple steps with

The Ultimate Mental Game Training System

Buy Now – A $200 Value for $9.95

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Why Do you Need My Mental Game Training Bundle?

– Are frustrated that you can’t play as well as you practice?
– Do you always fall short under pressure by letting nerves get to you?
– Do you have the yips?
– Do you lose focus over the course of 18 holes?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then keep reading. I have the solution to get you consistently moving towards your best with every round.

This one’s easy. I’ve worked with a lot of golfers of all levels. I’ve even experienced it myself. Every player has so much untapped potential which is never seen because they don’t know how to utilize the power of the mind. Elite players have mastered how to do this in 7 simple ways and this book will show you how. The Golf State of Mind is a blend of sports psychology and practical application (eBooks and audio sessions) that will have you playing to the best of your abilities in a very short period of time.


  • Mental Game training system ebook
  • 60 day Money back guarantee

Utilize the power of your mind in just 7 simple steps with

The Ultimate Mental Game Training System 2016 Edition



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– Why traditional golf coaching doesn’t work
– it’s time to stop chasing perfection
– a new way to improve utlizing the power of the mental game


– Where do you want to go? Why is it important to know this?
– The Simple Equation For Great Golf
– The phases of thinking during a round of golf
– Process vs Outcome Thinking


– How to maximize your chances of hitting a great shot
– How the brain works during a great golf shot
– The Steps of The Shot Routine
– Course Strategy/Shot Selection
– Visualization (Mental Rehearsal)
– Feel (Physical Rehearsal)
– Breathe!
– Getting set up correctly
– Visualize and Engage Again
– Mental and physical triggers
– The Shot
– Post-shot Routine


– Controlling nerves and stress
– Managing “The 90%”
– Techniques for in between shots
– Bounce-back
– Building Confidence and Mental Toughness
– Focus and Concentration
– Patience
– Be prepared to scramble
– Don’t get technical
– Staying neutral


– 10 Minute Mental Game Warm-up
– Expectations – Pre-round goals
– A better way to measure your success
– Pre-round visualization
– What to take away from practice rounds
– Pre-round Relaxation
– Nutrition for a great round
– Being prepared
– Putting Warm-up
– Short Game Warm-up
– Range Warm-up


– Post-round evaluation
– Your Mental Game Scorecard
– Post-round anchoring of success


– Goal setting
– Your Inner Vision
– The Golf Life Mirror



David MacKenzie is an expert on the mental game of golf and resides in Washington D.C. He currently coaches players of all levels including tour players and elite college golfers.



Played today with a consistent routine for the first time in my entire life (thanks to you). I just won my Club’s 40th Marathon–a one-day, 72-hole slog through the pouring rain this year–and I attribute my success to the mental discipline your eBook has helped me to develop (77!!!!). Thanks!


“David has helped me remove those mental blocks that we’re preventing me from taking my game to a new level. David’s sessions have made me feel more confident and helped me trust my swing. His system makes the mental side of the game easy to comprehend and easy to take action to use it to your full advantage. Thanks David!”


David’s Golf State of Mind Training System has given me specific things to work on to improve my mental game and I’ve seen huge improvement in my ability to play under pressure.


MacKenzie’s Golf State of Mind will certainly help you learn the finer points of controlling your mental state and should help your scores. It’s another tool we can use to master those five and a half inches between our ears.


David has helped me quieten my mind in pressure situations and given me a solid mental process to manage my thoughts and emotions for the entire round. It’s given me a whole new level of confidence in my game and it show’s in my results.

Nicole Jeray

“David is amazing!! After just one short session, I knew my golf game would improve. David gave me techniques that really helped free up my putting. I’m much more relaxed and confident on the greens. He also taught me ways to stay in the present moment. This is a constant struggle and David’s unique post-round review worksheet really keeps me on track. Thanks David!! Your work is priceless!!”


Golf State Of Mind heavily concentrates on helping the player stay in the moment, and helps the player overcome the ghosts of shots past and shots future. To date, I’ve read the eBook three times all the way from beginning to end. I have much work to do on my mental game, and much more time to spend working on refining it. Golf State Of Mind will be in my iPod, in my computer and in my car to help me get my game on the right mental path.


At last. An approach to golf teaching that is simple, non-technical and emphasizes what is most important to improve – The Mental Game. Golf State of Mind is a well structured way to learn the optimal mind set for golf.


Yesterday I purchased the download of GSOM and listened to the complete package already 2 times. It fits perfect in my effort of improving my golf game on both fundamentals. Thanks!


Golfers are always searching for an extra edge. A swing thougt or key word or code. Golfers buy into the Marketing Man’s Dream of extra yardage, spin, feel, fade or draw. We buy putter and drivers, change balls and wear lucky charms. But how many ever realize the secret is there for the taking – the key to good golf lies not in the elusive search for clubs, balls and charms, but in one fundamental used by every Professional Golfer. Without exception. The Pre -shot routine. Listen to the words. Burn them on your hard drive. Leave the Marketing Man’s Dream to others. This is the secret which leads to the promised land. Better golf, solid strikes and lower scores. It just takes practice and application and those words become your fifteenth club in the bag.


David has been a huge help to making me break-thru mental barriers that prevented me from playing golf to my full potential. The work David and I have done together has made me confident in my abilities and trust that I have what it takes to play great. David’s mental techniques to unlocking my golf game have helped me push through junior golf and move onto the collegiate level.


Using a focused approach to visualisation and a bullet proof pre-shot routine my golf has been transformed this year with the GSOM tools. It’s a complete turnaround – I used to completely buckle under pressure. Now it’s the opposite. In those pressured situations I’ve played out of my boots and I’ve relished the challenge. The fear has gone out of the game. I’m just loving playing again

Utilize the power of your mind in just 7 simple steps

The Ultimate Mental Game Training
System 2016 Edition

(eBook & Audio sessions)