Your mental game training starts today.

As a welcome gift, you can download my free Mental Game Fundamentals ebook below.

Oh, and keep an eye out for emails from me, David MacKenzie.


I give 90 percent of my work away for free (i.e. the free eBook above, my weekly articles, and so on).

The other 10 percent of my work is focused on creating products that are incredibly effective in building confidence and mental toughness on the golf course. The first product you should know about is called my Mental Game Blueprint, which is my most popular program, which you can get for 50% off during my free course.


I’m fortunate to have millions read my work over the past 10 years. Among this group are golfers of all levels (including Tour players) and coaches. As an example, here are a few of the people who enjoy and share my work…

[blockquote source=”James Heath, European PGA Tour”]aubrey mccormick golf“On Tour you have to do everything possible to squeeze extra shots out of all areas of your game. David’s teaching materials are definitely in-line with the way a Tour pro approaches a round mentally and the great thing about this way to improve is that it requires no swing changes!” [/blockquote] [blockquote source=”Karl Morris, Mind Coach to Six Major Winners”]aubrey mccormick golf“In David MacKenzie, you have a coach who really understands and applies that simple but profound truth.” [/blockquote] [blockquote source=”Andrew Weathers, UT Chattanooga Golf Team, TN State Championship Runner-up 2012″]aubrey mccormick golf“David has helped me remove those mental blocks that we’re preventing me from taking my game to a new level. David’s sessions have made me feel more confident and helped me trust my swing. His system makes the mental side of the game easy to comprehend and easy to take action to use it to your full advantage. Thanks David!” [/blockquote] [blockquote source=”Rick Sessinghaus, Editor, Golf Tips Magazine”]aubrey mccormick golf“David MacKenzie is truly an expert in coaching the performance skills of the mental side of golf. For what is complicated for most to communicate, David does in a simple, clear, and effective way. His ideas help golfers shoot lower scores and enjoy the game more.” [/blockquote] [blockquote source=”Maya Walton, USJunior Girls Amateur Qualifier”]aubrey mccormick golf“Working with David MacKenzie helped me reach a whole new level in my game. He has a fantastic insight into the mind of an elite golfer and I use his techniques during every round to keep me confident and focused. Thanks David!” [/blockquote] [blockquote source=”Sandy Catford, ‎Owner, Gokart Powered Golf”]peter taylor english golf union“Using a focused approach to visualisation and a bullet proof pre-shot routine my golf has been transformed this year with the GSOM tools. It’s a complete turnaround – I used to completely buckle under pressure. Now it’s the opposite. In those pressured situations I’ve played out of my boots and I’ve relished the challenge. The fear has gone out of the game. I’m just loving playing again”[/blockquote] [blockquote source=”Aubrey McCormick, Big Break Atlantis 2012 Competitor”]aubrey mccormick golf“David Mackenzie has a subtle yet genius approach toward the mental game. I got the chance to work with him and his knowledge of the mental game really helped to change my thought process on the golf course. After working with him, I felt more confident and I look forward to working with him in the future!” [/blockquote]