Welcome Pressure!
If you are constantly stepping into unfamiliar situations in your life, it means you are growing at a rapid pace. If you are constantly seeking a comfort zone, you are stagnant. Only when you lose the fear of suffering – that no matter what happens, “this is how you will be”, can you explore your life in full depth and dimension”. – Sadhguru
It’s important to appreciate that any situation which makes you feel uncomfortable, also helps you to grow. We can’t build mental toughness, or the mental skills needed to become the best we can be, without being under pressure and learning how to “be” in those moments.
Pressure situations are always a win-win and should be sought out, not avoided. If you succeed under pressure, you gain confidence from overcoming adversity and learning what’s needed to succeed. Any other outcome is a valuable lesson on what you need to improve.
Pressure is what you want. If you’re not feeling pressure, then you’re not challenging yourself enough, which is how we learn and grow most effectively. One of the best parts of this game is the feeling you get from overcoming the physical and mental challenges and you won’t get that feeling (to its full effect) without being under pressure.
Pressure energizes you, incentivizes you and lets you know what you’re missing from your game.
As we’ve already discussed earlier in the module, stress heightens your focus and your senses – if you can learn how to manage it, it will take you into the zone. By using the techniques we’ve covered in this module you’ll be fully equipped to become a stress-seeker and not a stress-avoider, and you’ll take your game to higher levels.